Planning your headshot session

Professional headshots are the first introduction to you, your business and your personal brand.  Many HR professionals and recruiters turn to LinkedIn to find quality candidates. They might also look you up on Facebook and Twitter. And as they say: “a picture speaks a thousand words.” 

This just proves that a headshot plays an important role in your professional life. Your headshot should be a powerful, compelling and confidence-instilling portrait that makes prospective clients, employers and partners want to reach out and connect with you. 

So before you head out for your professional headshot session, think about what you want others to see when they glance at your profile page.

Think about some of the characteristics that embody your personal brand. Are you a chef, an educator, a writer? Do you work in the corporate world? Write down some keywords and phrases that you would like your photo to be about. 

And then, there are the usual “what to wear” questions! So I have compiled a few tips for you:

– First off, to answer this question, you must be clear on your goals for the shoot. Where will your headshot or branding images be used and what industry are you in? What you wear will vary greatly depending on whether you need a classic corporate headshot or you are an creative needing photos for her new website. If you are a lawyer, you might need to pick a more formal outfit and stick with darker, conservative colors. If you are a massage therapist or jewelry maker, what you want to reflect your personality and your brand. 

– Generally, there are some thing to avoid. Strong patterns, bold/bright colors, logos and images all draw the eye away from you. Pastel colors might make you look washed out and tired. Black might be too somber of a look. Sleeveless tops can be less than flattering. And for traditional corporate headshots, keep your jewelry and accessories classic. 

– Having said that when in doubt, bring a choice of outfits and we can look at them together.

– For makeup, natural is best and hiring a professional makeup artist will ensure you get that polished look. I can organize a combined makeup/headshot session if you are interested.

My headshot and personal branding sessions vary from a quick and efficient experience that will give you that one headshot you need, to a comprehensive branding session that provides you with a whole collection of images to help you communicate who you are and what you have to offer. So it is important that your look matches the images you are aiming to convey.

Finally, even though this is a more professional shoot, I will help you to have fun and enjoy this time just for you. A relaxed, comfortable subject will naturally exude confidence and these images will draw people to you.

If you would like to find out more about my headshot services, you can find that info here


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